June 2015 at the OCCA we held a roundtable on mobile apps. As usual I took a lot of ideas away from the meeting. This is a listing of the highlights.
There is a new Wi-Fi listing tool called Vistumbler, but it only runs on Windows.
There is a program for Windows 8 called Start8 that mimics the old Start menu and is said to be worth the $5.
Milebug is an easy way to track trip mileage.
PhotoVault will password protect and encrypt important pictures, such as credit cards.
Google Maps has a neat plug-in called Photographer’s Ephemeris.
Someone mentioned my favorite tool for Android phones, Wi-Fi Analyzer.
Steve Shank endorsed the Android-based anti-virus Trust-Go, along with Ad-Tracker
Someone mentioned Scott Hanselman’s blog.
Fing by Overlook was endorsed by David Harold. It’s a powerful, quick tool that snapshots your LAN.
Steve Shank also endorsed Evernote.
Ifttt.com which stands for If This Then That was mentioned by a member. The product links actions together using scripts that tie into your online accounts.
Instapaper is a tool to grab a whole article in one page with no ads and hold onto it until you have time to read it.