Technology is ever-changing,
and so is your business.

Which is why its important on a yearly basis to take a longer view of the technology decisions that could help shape the future of your business.
Annual meetings should be held with your IT professional to plan for technology updates, equipment purchases or system upgrades that may benefit your company. While it may not seem like a traditional time of year for budgetary planning, it’s never to soon to start reviewing your technology needs. And, Summer is a slower time of year in the IT world, so it gives us time to make well-thought-out decisions on products! For instance, I can help you plan your phase out of Windows 7 well in advance of it’s end-of-life in April 2020.
I’m heading out of town tomorrow for a short vacation (returning on June 8th), but I will reach out to my clients after I return to schedule your reviews.
This newsletter is meant for informational purposes, but as always, I’m here to support you. Please call me if you would like to discuss the best options for you and your business.