I recently remade the web site in WordPress
I wrestled for a long time with updating my website. I liked the new look, but I worried that it would appear too simplistic. My previous website was professionally done – a LONG time ago – but I decided to redo the website myself. Designed using Word Press, I chose the Lingonberry theme and added a few select, high-quality images. Even knowing the decisions were sound, I still had the hesitation that goes with doing something outside my core areas. Now it is up, and I hope you like it.
I have been entering small blog posts on my development version of the site – all of the posts prior to this one – in hopes that this blog would be useful to you from the beginning, so please check out some of the rest of the blog articles.
The main issue this website revamp addresses is that the new theme is mobile friendly. For the past year, we have been hearing that mobile-friendly websites would get way better results at Google, and then we heard that non-mobile friendly sites wouldn’t show up at all. Either way, my site is ready. If you want to test yours, head to this checker and enter your company’s web address.
If you are curious about how this site used to look, check it out on the way-back machine.
Hope your holidays were good. Let me know if you are interested in updating your own website. I have plenty of tips, now.